Facilitator Profile
Melissa Blum
Core Focus: Motherhood
Hi, I’m Mel, a certified Mama Rising Coach & mum of two beautiful girls. Through my coaching, I combine science based principles with a deeply feminine energy, offering an experience that is deeply connecting & liberating. My experience as an engineer drives me to find evidence based solutions.

Hi, I’m Mel, a certified Mama Rising Coach and mum of two beautiful girls. I have an undergraduate in psychology and am also an Environmental Engineer.
Through my coaching, I combine science based principles with a deeply feminine energy, offering an experience that is deeply connecting and liberating. My experience as an engineer drives me to find evidence based solutions, that still honour my intuition.
Throughout motherhood I found my previous life shattered. I felt fairly in control with my first daughter but found myself adrift with the arrival of my second daughter. I know had two small humans who were making demands of me, usually at the same time and with escalating emotion. I found myself lost, and struggled to find the balance between their needs and my own. I kept trying to put the pieces back together how it had been, back when it all seemed to ‘work’. But in doing so, I missed the opportunity to recreate myself to better suit my current situation. I also missed the beauty of the transformation and the process to rediscover myself. I found myself craving female connection, particularly of like-minded souls. When I stopped trying to recreate the old picture, and work instead on creating a new one, I rediscovered parts of myself that I had put aside in order to ‘grow up’. To tame parts of myself that I though were too wild – by others standards. Because, how can you be a logical, structure loving engineer and also a free flowing feminine earth mother? How could I hold two seemingly conflicting identities in one body? It took the shattering to realise that we can hold conflicting views and identities. I can both love and hate motherhood, or parts of it. I can feel excited about watching my girls grow and boredom at the tedium of the daily routine. I don’t have to feel only one way, I can hold may emotions at the same time. By the same token, I don’t have to define myself in one way, I can shift and change like the seasons.
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Motherhood | Parenting