Facilitator Profile
Lucy O’Driscoll Edge
Core Focus: Motherhood
A passionate, confident, and caring Mama Rising Coach and Facilitator, I work with mums who are feeling stuck, frustrated, and/or unsure of who they are or want to be and help them redefine their values and purpose through 1 -1 coaching and group workshops (online and person).

I am a Mama Rising Coach and Facilitator, a Mother, an Entrepreneur, and a Business Owner who is passionate about supporting and empowering mums through their journey of motherhood. I set up Mum Talks with my best friend in 2017 and through our events and meetups we have supported 100's of mums in Ireland.
Through Mum Talks and as a passionate, confident, and caring Mama Rising Coach and facilitator I work with mums who are feeling stuck, frustrated, and/or unsure of who they are or want to be and help them redefine their values and purpose so that they can feel like they are thriving instead of just surviving.
Social Media
Business/Corporate | Meditation/Mindfulness | Motherhood
Website: https://mumtalks.ie/