Facilitator Profile
Gemma Mercer
Core Focus: Return to Work/Career
Gemma offers 1:1 coaching for mamas looking to re-establish their self identity; helping women create a business (passion project/ hobby/charity) that provides identity, passion and purpose (aka 'more than just mum' spark) whilst also balancing the needs and constraints of family life.

Gemma Mercer is a Transformation Coach for Mothers, Accredited Mama Rising Facilitator and Matrescence Educator based in Wetherby, England.
Gemma believes in order for mothers to reduce the amount they lose their shit, they must first learn to allow themselves the space and time, to nurture themselves and feel ‘interesting’ again!
Having spent years climbing the corporate ladder, Gemma didn’t anticipate how lost she would feel after making the privileged decision to step down from her ‘corporate identity’ to stay home with her family.
She was grateful for this choice, but it wracked her with guilt, because no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t shake the feelings of unfulfillment and the loss of purpose that followed.
Understanding matrescence, gave Gemma permission to ‘press pause’ long enough on the hamster-wheel of busy-mum-life, allowing her the clarity needed to build a business that not only fuels her needs, but also marries them with those of her family.
Her work is now centred around the belief that "becoming a mother doesn't mean we need to lose our self". She uses this mantra to support other women in re-establishing their 'interesting'; giving them the tools, understanding and accountability to create their ‘more than just mum’ spark!
United Kingdom
Social Media
Business/Corporate | Motherhood | Parenting | Postnatal | Preconception/Fertility | Pregnancy | Return to Work/Career