Facilitator Profile
Rachel Bettinzoli
Core Focus:

Hi! I'm Rach.
Mama to three (almost four). I'm an exercise physiologist/pilates teacher, wellness coach and Mama Rising facilitator. I came to find Amy in 2015, after I had my first baby. I felt like Amy was speaking directly to me. Hearing her speak about support, real self-care, authenticity, vulnerability, mama guilt, post-natal depletion, loneliness in motherhood, self-silencing! I can't even tell you how it made me feel.
I finally began to connect back to myself and understand that what I was feeling and experiencing was real, and that I wasn't alone.
Fast forward a few more years and a few more children, I sit here now as a Mama Rising Facilitator.
I want mothers to know that they aren't alone. That they aren't broken or have something wrong with them because of what they are feeling and experiencing. These feelings are real. The day a baby is born, so is a mother. There is so much focus and support on the baby, from even pre-conception, right through motherhood. And yet, a woman has been birthed too. Too often left feeling "broken" or like they are doing something wrong. That these feelings and thoughts don't line up with the perfect images and stories we have been sold. The word and theory of Matrescence, gives us know that this is real. It effects us in every aspect of our lives. Most importantly, we are not alone. We are not 'broken'. It gives us the language of what we are experiencing.
I support mothers change the stories we hold around health, body image and motherhood.
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Health and Fitness | Motherhood | Postnatal | Pregnancy